Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s representative for Afghanistan affairs, met with Stefan Priszner, the UN coordinator in Iran, to discuss Afghanistani refugees.
According to IRNA, Tehran’s news agency, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran’s Special Representative to the President for Afghanistan Affairs, held a meeting with Stefan Priszner, the UN Resident Coordinator in Iran, on Monday, August 27th. During this meeting, they discussed international support for Afghanistani refugees in Iran.
Kazemi Qomi also tweeted about the meeting on his Twitter account, stating, “Developing diplomacy with the United Nations within the framework of the national development plan and defining a clear roadmap is one of the important subjects pursued by the special representative to attract international support for Afghanistani refugees.”
Furthermore, Iran’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Affairs referred to the signing of a cooperation agreement between Dr. Satya Doraiswamy, the UNFPA representative, and Dr. Abolfazl Bagheri-Fard, the Deputy Minister of Education at Iran’s Ministry of Health. He mentioned, “The agreement focuses on training and improving the skills of several Afghanistani nurses and midwives, involving the Ministry of Health, Medical Education, and Iran’s UNFPA agency. This agreement heralds the development of cooperation with the United Nations and its specialised agencies.”
It is worth noting that Afghanistani immigrants residing in Iran are deprived of many citizen services and rights in the country.