Neda Mohammad Nadim, Acting Minister of Higher Education, said, “With the rule of the Islamic Emirate, the dignity, honour, security, and freedom of Afghanistanis were protected.”
Neda Mohammad Nadim, Acting Minister of Higher Education of the Taliban, claimed on Saturday (July 22) in a speech to a number of Afghanistani media outlets that the Taliban rule has brought dignity, security, and freedom to the people of Afghanistan.
In this conversation, he described the era before the Taliban rule as the era of dependence, lack of authority, and occupation and said that at that time Afghanistan did not have authority over anything. The authority over the land, airfields, borders of the country, mines, and everything else was in the hands of the occupiers. But the Taliban’s rule has brought freedom and authority to the people.
These words of the Acting Ministry of Higher Education of the Taliban were expressed while, since the Taliban seized power, even though they announced a general amnesty, former military personnel have been missing, imprisoned, and killed in a suspicious and secret manner.
Also, the arrival of the Taliban has been equated with a gradual death for women and girls who are deprived of all their human and social rights and are locked up in their homes and behind hijabs and strict restrictions.
On the other hand, the Taliban’s Pashtun-centric attitude not only does not give power to the ethnic and religious minorities, but also makes life difficult for them by persecuting the people of other ethnic groups. In the fight between Hazaras and Kochis, the Taliban violated the rights of Hazaras by favouring the Kochis, and in the courts, using their influence and power, they ruled in favour of the Kochis.