Zahra Arshadi, who lives in the United States of America, has managed to reach the highest peaks in Virginia. She is currently one of the most successful pilots in the US.
Before becoming a pilot, Zahra Arshadi studied at the Moud Education Centre along with his brother Dawood. He was killed in the suicide bombing attack at Moud, but Zahra survived the incident.
After the attack on the centre, Ms. Arshadi could not continue her education for a year but ultimately resumed doing so. In less than a year, the Corona pandemic started. Once again, she was stuck at home due to the spread of the virus. This time, however, Zahra does not sit still. She is going to America.
After encountering many problems, Ms. Arshadi finally reached Doha through Pakistan and travelled from Doha to America. Besides being a high school graduate, she is also a graduate of the Virginia Air Force. Ms. Arshadi believes that ‘nothing can stop a person from making their dreams a reality but themselves.’
Arash Mehraban